Exploring the Land Where Jesus Lived

Map 1st cent.A group of 8 Catholics and Protestants leave on Monday from JFK to explore the land where Jesus lived. We’re staying with the Passionists in Bethany for five days and then five days with the Franciscans at the Mount of the Beatitudes on the Sea of Galilee.

Bethany, on the lower eastern slopes of the Mount of Olives is considered part of East Jerusalem; the Mount of Beatitudes on the Sea of Galilee puts us within walking distance of Capernaum, so we’re close to two places with important links to Jesus.

Some of us have media experience and one of our goals is to produce some short videos (5 minutes or so) on the various holy places that may help Protestants and Catholics alike to deepen their knowledge of Jesus and his mission.

I’ll publish blogs of our trip for the next ten days, depending on internet access and what energy I can draw on. We’ll use Jerome Murphy-O’Connor’s fine guidebook, The Holy Land: An Oxford Archeological Guide…2008, along with the gospels to help us find our way.

Pilgrimage is always an adventure. So, here we go, pray for us.

7 thoughts on “Exploring the Land Where Jesus Lived

  1. Alta Barnett

    Have a wonderful and safe journey. I know that Bill wishes he could have been with you.


  2. Gloria

    Dear Fr. Victor, I’m studying a book by John Wijngaards, MHM, “Handbook to the Gospels: A Guide to the Gospel Writings and to the Life and Times of Jesus.” I just reached the section where there is a map of the towns and provinces of Palestine, and one of Jesus’ journeys and the distances he traveled. The book was published In 1979 so the maps are a little different from yours, but I think I can follow your journey. Ted and I will pray for you
    and your fellow pilgrims. God bless you all. Gloria


  3. Anne Immaculate Oundo

    Rev. Fr. Victor,
    May the Lord protect and energize you as you journey to the Land where Jesus Lived.


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